Monday, May 14, 2012

who just joined the players are somewhat suffering Rift CD-key who just joined the players are som

129810355105625000_66The dream back to the three kingdoms strategy: teach you easy to have a strong military Click to enter the repository of the dream back to the three kingdoms screenshots (8) | Original picture (15) | Hair | Client download on May 9, NetEase pages floating capital yesterday, with 16 to take "a fierce competition" open hot, new and old players have started a positiveCompetition with, who just joined the players are somewhat suffering, will feel that the military did not pull the wind of others, took out the bad mood, right? This small series teaches the most basic military training from the beginning! In the TV series, heroes pub has always been the disappointment brings together local, express variety show variety big bowl drinks large meat wood stuttering? Home to remember to TavernVisit these military heroes. See the special sell cute Rift CD-key, Ah no, fight, quickly recruited! The way a sentence, and Acer truncatum Bunge or gift certificates can be used quickly to refresh and get a better military commanders, Oh! Try it and see Diablo 3 Gold! Military base under a summary attribute: force attack plus 1.5, command to increase defense capacity of 1.5, intelligence increases 0.75 damageAnd add small amounts of Dodge and Parry, political and increased 0.75 defense force and a small amount of critically hit and fight back. Remember to select the home on the appetite of the military, it is convenient to use TERA CD-key, fun, cute up to show off! The so-called military commanders, that is dedication to repay the country with Supreme loyalty--patriotism, so you home do not effect that urged them to train drops! In the Champs de Mars, selectLong training time as far as possible, avoid military commanders were lazy, training will not affect the military into battle, Oh! If home eager to military appearance, use the training results Ganggang drops! Upgrade drill ground level can enhance each training experience gained, but upgrade the Champs de Mars needs to upgrade the barracks, upgraded battalions need to upgrade sites. Upgrade of the building are so closely linkedOh, you and primary study on yo! Every military needs home carefully dressed, Oh, furious because red rabbits are pretty bright! So, the military commanders in the interface, please give love on military equipment capable of complete set of equipment, smart drop out to kill the Quartet! If too light equipment sells cute enough, can also be renamed according to the evil fun of you home Oh�� Hey, try it and see! Military commanders did not open until 25 military property, wants to increase ability to love, soul of the military card, use the advanced accessory! After the appendage, experience of the original military equipment will remain, but the level of four properties and the military itself is the same as military commanders on the Chin Woo spirit card. Tips, games early, force and intelligence is the most important, soPick a suitable military card for of military soul is very important. How do? There to my dear home a little bit of inspiration? Military role is growing, so your home do not lightly! New clothing and new versions, the dream of going all out for the three players back to create selling cute paradise, many soft, much joy! Others:

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