Saturday, March 31, 2012

diablo 3 gold but thanks to strong demand for automation and network reliability in the market - US

129764880445312500_62Building the smart grid investment surges MicrosoftInternetExplorer402DocumentNotSpecified7.8Normal0 in this year's "two sessions" during the national people's Congress, the Chinese Academy of engineering academician Xue Yusheng, China is now capable of accelerating construction of UHV technology conditions, and proposals to speed up constructionLocated in UHV power network as the backbone network, smart grid grid coordinate development at all levels, this is good for layout optimization of energy resources and environmental capacities coordinated, promote development and environmental protection and efficient use of energy and is safe and reliable. Market participants pointed out that the "two sessions," the concern of the representative or the smart grid investment upsurge of construction again usher. Smart grid construction of great significance as the social andEconomic development, power at the Terminal at least increase the proportion of energy 1 time. Data show that in 2011, thermal power plant in China about 72% in the machine in the power structure, electricity production is about 81% tera gold, coal accounted for about half of the country's coal consumption. For beimeinanyun, the Western coal shipped East of coal transport, excessive reliance on coal, proportion of transmission is too low, is not conducive toExtreme disasters, also brings with it such as coal and electricity increased migration and conflict, power supply, and so on. In this regard, industry pointed out that the intensive development of China's energy development must go, far away from the large-scale transportation roads, UHV is adapted to large coal and hydropower and large intensive technical direction for the development of renewable base. Xue Yusheng said that at present, ultra high voltage AC-DC modelCheng has been fully successful and mastered the key core technologies. UHV AC and DC engineering have been successfully put into operation in particular, verify that the security, feasibility and advantages of ultra high voltage transmission, with a massive promotion of conditions. Xue Yusheng believes that in UHV objective grid construction of the transition period, through strengthening the construction of secondary systems, enhanced online risk monitoring and control to achieve comprehensiveSecurity and defense. However, from a long-term perspective, just on the secondary system is not enough, strong power network is the basis for electrical safety and environmental safety. This needs to speed up the construction of UHV-backbone frame, smart grid grid coordinate development at all levels, enabling layout optimization for energy resources and environmental capacity for integrated and coordinated, promoting environmental protection and efficient energy development and utilization of andSafe and reliable. In addition, special high-voltage technology and smart grid power grid transmission and distribution industry is not limited to traditional, also upstream and downstream industries, will effectively promote energy, electricity, electrical equipment and other related areas of technology innovation and industrial upgrading, and radiation driven infrastructure and services building on people's livelihood, enhance national equipment enterprise of independent innovation capability and international competitiveness, promote an innovation-oriented countryBuilding. Equipment investment was in full swing now, States, local governments and electric power equipment suppliers already realizes the importance of construction of smart grid. Smart grid investment of construction plans were also introduced. The China business newspaper reporters learned from the national grid company, national grid will be completed in 2012, strong smart grid investment of more than $ 300 billion, are expected to address more than 40 without electrical power consumption of the population problem. Among them, will focus on the core technology and key equipment to carry out research, research and development funds for the year is expected to reach $ 8 billion. Network of experts on the introduction of the China business newspaper, China has formed a complete set domestic production capability of UHV power transmission and transformation equipment, equipment used to achieve 90%. "Who has mastered market leadership, whoMakes a profit. Therefore diablo 3 gold, State grid the hard hit $ 8 billion for core technology and key equipment research and development research. "At present, the local Government has increased the intensity of investment in the smart grid. County of Jiangsu Province as an example, before 2015 will invest 40 billion yuan construction of Jiangsu power grid, fighting for starting construction of UHV projects, implementation of the coastal channels, Xu Liantai transmission, extension out of nuclear power engineeringAnd optimize the 500,000-volt power transmission project and 220,000-volt power. In Xuzhou, power sector closely around equipment 4 qianyiji pillar industries such as manufacturing, Commerce and has prepared a special program of Xuzhou new city and other key areas, building a strong smart grid. ABB North Asia also ABB (China) President Fang Qin is very optimistic about the smart grid market Outlook. Qin recognition, Key market developments, such as the smart grid will support the company's growth in 2012. Although the 2011 economic growth begins to slow, but thanks to strong demand for automation and network reliability in the market, ABB has achieved sustained growth in China. In 2011, the South from ABB and jointly establish a large joint ventures--Nanjing SAC automation limited, strongOn the power grid, power plants and industrial infrastructure product portfolio. Parties to the joint venture has invested $ 1.75 billion RMB, and combines both network automation related business. Write extended reading development smart grid to the Government work report in the "two sessions" on Premier Wen Jiabao pointed out that in the Government work report: to strengthen management, development of think tanksGrid and distributed energy resources, implementation of energy saving and generation dispatching, contract energy management, Government, energy-saving management of purchase, as well; to optimizing the energy structure, promoting the clean and efficient use of traditional energy, safe and efficient development of nuclear power, active development of hydropower, accelerate research on shale gas exploration, development, increase the share of new and renewable sources of energy, strengthening the construction of energy channels. ExpertsBelieves that developing smart grid write Wen's Government work report, shows that smart grid construction has been recognized by the top echelon of the Government, building the smart grid will be irreversible swtor credits, we have adequate protection of ultra high voltage power grid security. UHV construction made from it when it is full of differences, opponents running ultra high voltage power grid security challenges, and economic, But the from jindongnan-jingmen lines running situation analysis, ultra high voltage transmission to solve the energy problem of long distance transmission, for distribution of power in China is of great practical significance. Others:

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