Thursday, June 28, 2012

regardless of is all large home stores

129838017188593750_55"Zero formaldehyde" furniture was mean business speculation there is no zero formaldehyde furniture Broadcasting Corporation network Tangshan on June 10 message (Tangshan Taiwan reporter Han Zhiqiang) according to China of sound central wide news under reported, near two years, "zero formaldehyde" of concept almost has became home industry of mainstream trend, regardless of is all large home stores, also is store of sales personnel are said home brand used of is "green environmental" of "new technology", its environmental quality detection belonging to "low methylAldehyde "or even" zero formaldehyde. " But professionals say: but the fact is that most of the claims on the market "zero formaldehyde" concept of furniture, building materials for the hype. Now, many consumers think, "in line with national standards is ' zero formaldehyde '" read more, but "zero formaldehyde" refers to is no formaldehyde content; the experts also pointed out that, to date, contains no formaldehyde-related decoration materialMaterial does not exist. Limited by the manufacturing processes and other factors, China's basically not really reach "zero formaldehyde"-class furniture. Induced by many merchants consumers say, "no smell is no formaldehyde", "furniture edge skilled, ourselves, formaldehyde is running out", these claims are wrong. Either the edge or the long time of ventilation, even if the taste is not, Cannot be the root causes to eliminate formaldehyde release. , Research data show formaldehyde release time of up to 3-15. Then there is known as "formaldehyde is soluble in water, formaldehyde is not water soluble paint decoration" argument is hoodwinked concept, in fact very limited consumption of water soluble paint for formaldehyde, particularly after pass wind, adsorption of formaldehyde on the wall it will inevitablyRelease. So, the kind of "zero formaldehyde" decoration is not reliable, finished furniture to achieve "zero formaldehyde" is also unlikely. So how do consumers choose home products, eliminate the hazards of formaldehyde? Experts caution that first of all, consumers don't believe business publicity, at present, the formaldehyde content of building materials for furniture, States have an appropriate standard,"E0" class, "E1", and "E2" class, a "E2" level and above can only be sold, at the time of purchase to view the country sampling or testing of test report issued by the authority. Second, after the new House after renovation or buying new furniture, empty ventilation in two or three months or over time, often opening the window. In addition, to use those to get the chemicals formaldehyde,Although to a certain extent elimination of formaldehyde, but also are likely to reproduce other pollutants, leading to secondary pollution of the home environment. Experts suggest that General indoor environment using plants can achieve better results. Generally, rooms of 10 square meters, 1.5 meters high plant two pots, eliminates the aldehyde can achieve better results.

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