Thursday, June 28, 2012

SFC on CITIC Securities company limited research department quality Director

129823520809843750_597Star Fund Manager "slipped" built Rat Trading profit of 14 million Yesterday, the SFC Web site informed, in September 2010, SFC Bank Schroders Fund Management Limited (hereinafter referred to as the Bank Schroders) silver sound of the original stock fund manager Zheng Tuo arrested for using undisclosed information transactions Act for investigation. Found Zheng Tuo related transactions suspected of committing a crime, public security organs and the removal of the case. At present, Zheng Tuo had been public securityClose the coercive measures in accordance with law. Star Fund Manager "slipped" the investigation, Zheng Tuo entered Bank of Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder in March 2007, between March 2007 and the actual sound investment management of the Fund is responsible for silver, silver prudent Fund Manager since July 2007, in August 2009 the outgoing. Zheng Tuo in March 2007Between August 2009 and during the actual bank stability fund management, using his advantage gets Bank stability fund investment is not public information, with summer, the original securities accounts ahead or synchronized to the management of BOCOM stable funds buy or sell the stock more than 50 yuzhi, a total turnover amounted to more than 500 million Yuan, illegal profits of more than 14 million dollars. Zheng Tuo above involving43rd too violate the Securities Act "sth Legal, administrative regulations, prohibition of other personnel involved in trading, in the term of Office or within the statutory time limit, shall not be directly or a pseudonym, take trade stocks held in the names of others, sth "and the provisions of article 18th of the securities investment fund law" fund managers and directors, supervisors, managers, and employees of sth Shall not engage in damageProperty and funds of the Fund share holders of securities trading and other activities of interest "requirement. At the same time, under the jurisdiction of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of public security on the public security organ's criminal case prosecution provisions of the standard (the second), this case has reached the standards of public security organs of prosecution, Zheng Tuo such 180th, the conduct alleged constitute a criminal offence referred to in paragraphFor the. Under the administrative law enforcement organs regulations on the transfer of cases involving suspected crimes by the public security organs and the relevant provisions, the SFC has been the removal of the case investigation of public security organs. The case after the Court decision, SFC will involve administrative offence matters dealt with according to law. Management of Fund assets of more than 10 billion in the present case, Zheng Tuo using conversion of securities account has moved to Shanghai, Harbin and Beijing over securities Sales Department, account is through the bank account of his relatives, friends and other more than 10 road bridge zouzhang, deliberately avoiding supervision, anti-check the intention obviously greatly increases the difficulty of investigation and evidence collection. In the course of investigation, Zheng Tuo, summer by the parties, the original does not co-operate with the investigation, the evidence is ironclad fact fails to respond, trying toHiding the truth. However, global defense network, be loose but never miss, inspectors make careful arrangements, while focusing on the collection of all kinds of direct evidence, try mining aspects of indirect evidence, eventually forming a complete, proven chain of evidence. Officials responsible for relevant departments of the SFC noted that this case is typical of the Fund Manager "rat silo" cases, Zheng Tuo-a Fund Manager in Office to these remarks,Time in the past two years, with Fund Manager privileges, wanton stolen non-public information about the company as a trading profit of the Fund. Zheng Tuo managed funds had more than $ 10 billion in assets, transaction amount to hundreds of millions of dollars for a single day, there were big profit space, his use of non-public funds investment transaction information ahead or synchronized to the management of the Fund to buyShares in the same company profits in China against the Fund entrusted with the management of the Fund and the Fund share holders should have a duty of loyalty, also violates the fund company trade secrets. Introduction to Zheng Tuo had the industry considered that one of the best ideas fund managers, his personal blog for professional analysis and the theory of original investment perspectives of popular acclaim. Successive Junan securities investment manager, BayEid, sea, analyst at Investment Bank Fortis Fund, fund managers, Deputy Director of the Investment Bank Schroders fund companies. September 2009 official left bank Schroders fund companies, securities investment community in a wave waves, October to join the private equity, investment in Shanghai the Cape. Insider trading against 820,000 yesterday, inform the SFC Web site,According to the monitoring found clues of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, November 2011, SFC on CITIC Securities company limited research department quality Director, Chief Analyst of the electric power industry, Shanxi zhangze power company limited (hereinafter referred to as zhangze power) independent director Yang Zhishan allegedly using insider information trade "zhangze power" stock registration inspection. The investigation, Yang treatmentRelated transactions suspected of crime, February 2012, the SFC will be transferred to the public security organs investigated and dealt with the case. Currently, Yang Zhishan criminal detention by public security organs. Yang Zhishan as independent Director in zhangze power, participated in Datong coal mining group and demonstration of zhangze power assets reorganization process, insider information for statutory insiders. In mid-April 2011, Yang Zhishan in carrying out job responsibilitiesAware of Datong coal mining group of insider information and assets reorganization of zhangze power. April 15, 2011, Yang Zhishan directed Lee in the Business Department of Shanghai securities account opened, on April, 28th, Dr administration borrowed a total account to buy Lee "zhangze power" shares 2.6825 million shares, bought was about $ 15 million, it knows started investigations, Yang ZhishanZhangze power shares on resumption of Eve midnight October 28, 2011, to drop to declare sold all shares of price dumping bunker, all transactions within 4 minutes after opening the day, losing $ 828,000, intended to reduce legal sanctions. Dr governance constitutes the securities referred to in Act No. 202 of "insider trading" Act click here, also suspected to constitute the criminal code180th "informed staff of the Securities and futures trading on insider information or illicit acquisition of securities and futures trading on insider information officer, in connection with securities issued, stock or other securities, futures trading, futures trading price before there is a significant impact of information has not been made public, buy or sell the securities sth" under any of the circumstances. Under the Penal Code the 180th, theJurisdiction of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of public security on the public security organs of criminal case prosecution standards requirements (ii) 35th of the administrative law enforcement organs, as well as relevant provisions of the regulations on the transfer of cases involving suspected crimes, SFC Yang Zhishan suspected insider dealing crime of transfer of public security organs investigated and dealt with. 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