Wednesday, April 11, 2012

tera gold but repeatedly but does not - JYP

129762943156718750_11NET Central Bank stepped up its repo early return $ 37 billion Market liquidity is now relatively easy situation. Central banks to control liquidity, increased size of 28-day repo operations yesterday, and reversing the NET launch last week, ahead of net return of $ 37 billion. For the current market liquidity conditions, the trade considered that regulation combination this requires the Central Bank to play, wherein restart and reduction is the current best choice. The Central Bank on March 13Tenders carried out a 28-day period to interest rate buy-back operations, trading volume of 66 billion yuan, bid rate was flat at 2.8%. In view of the open market this week due the amount of only $ 29 billion, compared with $ 63 billion last week narrowed significantly the level of, net put on the pattern in the last week, the Central Bank failed to continue this week, ahead of net return $ 37 billion. Last week the Central Bank open marketNET invest 3 billion yuan. Hongyuan securities where a peak view, within the 7 day period weighted repo rate in 3% tera gold, in Central Bank money is more relaxed, therefore need to increase back to volume control at more appropriate levels of funding, but also create conditions for stable capital next month. On March 15, turned over to the Japanese market will usher in the financial deposits, at that time, an estimated 600 billionAround the taxes paid. Therefore tera power leveling, first half financial pressure is still larger, and the second half as accelerating and lending to speed up fiscal expenditure and public market concentration due, per cent from the liquidity will continue to improve dramatically. Securities fixed income Ying Chen, a researcher at the sea view, are used to buy back instead of Central, not only to control the banking system can be more accurate and timely funding tera gold, additional ballots and lockedFunding period is shorter, action in line with Central Bank expectations, flexible enough to adapt to very carefully. But this does not affect the pattern of recent funding overall comfortable. Central Bank in Central on the 3-month period on Monday, but repeatedly but does not, at present is the 11th week suspended. Last issue central in December 27, 2011. Industry sources said, the Central Bank recently thatSchedule expires or only intended to smooth capital, maintaining market stability. The industry generally believe that 1-year Central has the strong guiding role of interest rate and accumulate greater demand for the formation of 10 weeks, as soon as the restart issue, yields will face downward pressure, add to the market's interest rate cuts expected to release to market signals for easing. Expires March open market capital up to$ 254 billion, to peak in the first half. Others:

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