Monday, April 9, 2012

tera power leveling Father and son - SMY

129773982766093750_13Reporter Jia Yan Feng (Twitter) reported Sablic also if years ago came to China for the first time, but it is just a short transfer experience. When he landed at Beijing airport again in 2011, a prosperous and flourishing scene had he not found traces of the past. He never imagined would come to China to teach, but came to China he would likeWas on here. Around noon on March 23, reporters in Changchun Yatai (micro-blogging) stayed at the hotel's coffee shop to interview him, we Liaoning game and after the game to communicate the results.  Through the two dialogues, to feel that Sablic's ambitious. And the Chinese have the same values of the football: in the old days you had toCountry? Sablic: probably in the early 80, I haven't retired at that time, I followed the whole team had a connecting flight to Japan when ever been to Beijing airport, but there was no opportunity to discover the charm of Chinese outside, the only feeling is one of many. This felt to this day, there remain, but Beijing airport terminal building has many, notJust like it small.  Have you ever wish to one day may come to China to teach? This really never thought about it.  But before you come to China to teach, I heard a lot of talk about China and Chinese football topics I know about China's football began many years ago, although less system, but has not been stopped. Who are theseYears has been to introduce you with Chinese football-related situations? I have been living and working in Cyprus, there have been all these years winter training and preparing for the Chinese Professional Club to go there, ranging from Milovan djoric, Peter, figure drawing, and Ali·Han, Okuka sth They've all had led to Cyprus to train, some visited more than once, and from them I can always hearSome China-related news.  When I set foot on this land tera power leveling, contact with football-related all that does not feel very strange.  So many former Southern coaches have come to China to teach what is the cause?  We have a similar ideology and world view, and on the ways and means of dealing with problems has a lot of similarities.  What are your personal experiences? Too much, such asSay whether Serbia is Chinese, and those bones are very hospitable and warm, sometimes treated the guests will be warm than treat their loved ones, hope on the exchanges to each other will not do anything to hide and preserve, more we know each other, the better, it's closer. China attaches great importance to the dignity, the same thing in a different way, effect may be very different sth BecauseCompared to the principle and reason tera power leveling, more Chinese than Westerners focus on emotional factors.  We are two emotional than rational people.  Attention to the feelings of the players you promote football concept of communication? I pursue the offense balanced play, my pursuit of science and rationality of the football team. Want to implement your own goal led the primary basis is the ability to create a goodThe team atmosphere, so that all members have a positive desire for integration into a part of a team will, only in this way can be very well kneaded the whole tactical system, otherwise no matter how many high level players, the tactics of how academic scores may be a mess. Professional players do not know how to do basic codes of professional?  Also played the emotional card? Know how and whetherAccording to should be the way to do it is not a concept, especially in China, the Okuka told me that for a long time, players of China attaches great importance to exchanges of feelings and inner, they especially need from people around you gives emotional support and respect them as much as possible. Because, as a member of the high income groups of society, most of them not being objective and rational ways of thinkingLook at, so they are very sensitive people. Chinese people live very tired, a lot of people are in addition to their live, live is designed to get approval and recognition from others, as to their feelings but often overlooked. Everyone was so concerned about his own evaluation, often even without an objective of this evaluation does not conform to the truth, but because people are too, You will eventually become a recognition to all the facts. The subjective determination of the facts is gradually becoming a yoke, on the part of the man's head.  Players on the head of some invisible chains, they by virtue of their ability and hard work to make money, but they have not given due respect. A relationship between you and the player is how it?The reporting? Father and son? Brother?  Friends? There is no fixed pattern, and cannot be generalized. With different players have different methods, it will lose its significance.  But never forget to better players to allow them to get along with, rather than accepting or simply deny that they regardless of sex. You took over after the Changchun Yatai teamShape the atmosphere of what is a do?  What kind of relationship you want between the players is a? In my opinion, so-called age qualification limits of Fame boundaries are fuzzy, can be diluted, the teams have only two players, and status of State better suited to playing well is not suitable for playing, everyone wanted to win the first match opportunities must be in trainingGood performance.  Yatai Club: why do you do you think? You must first ask the Club, but it seems to me, my confidence and my season results of Yatai trend analysis, as well as the assessment of the results of the season may attract the Club's leadership. I think Yatai full strength into Super (micro-blogging) the first three teams of last seasonThe strength, also this season is no exception.  Our attack is far from enough why would you so confident to Yatai team? Before I took over the team to watch all 30 League matches last season, I think the Yatai team can play better. My rough statistics about, Super strength on par with at least 9 teams are vying for the championPossibility, Yatai are also in it.  Yatai playing by some conservative, which is also depending on the opponents and their own strength, but after I took over Asia and Thailand I do intend to strengthen the team's attack, let the team to more proactively attack.  Can see from the match against Liaoning, Yatai have no small change sth Still far from enough. To tell you the truth,For away from home into the 3 ball we haven't been able to win the next game and I am very sorry, our defense out on a bit of a problem, there have been some mistakes can be avoided, if a little serious, we hope of winning more. How do you find Super League in its current level?  And did you ever compared to the coaching team of big? Super than I have previously taught in either of theWhat is interesting in a League, mainly of suspense is very large.  I'd say at least nine power equals the team, so the probability of winning any League before the start of the two sides are equal.  Current foreign aid to China to play like Anelka, how do you think Super levels of foreign aid in? I think that the present number of Super League matches foreign aid in a more reasonable, notMake special changes. But many teams to introduce the concept of foreign aid should be renamed instead tera gold, not to say that the most expensive, most famous, to be the best.  This is like wearing clothes, not the most expensive brand is certainly suitable for all people, clothes, only the dress proper and appropriate is the best. Did you know that now there is football in China before the coach was also aGeneral questions? I think that a coach with his nationality is not too great, no country has a good coach and General Manager. I don't mind the question of sound, Okuka has proved himself, and I'm about to prove myself. Others:

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