Tuesday, April 10, 2012

tera power leveling commodities - FRX

129773868993125000_13Chen Suqiao China universal funds: new economy growth model in blue-chip investment mobile phone free www.cnfol.com March 27, 2012, funds China Universal Fund to view comment China universal asset management (Hong Kong) limited QFII investment Deputy Director: Chen Suqiao saying goes:Seek functions on, and go, finding nothing under. There is no higher goal, no good results. Modern people are most vividly this play, continue to strive for higher goals. Investors are also the case? We have witnessed in 2006 and 2007 stock market boom, in the 2009 Super rebound of the stock market, also has gone through over the past 10 yearsSuper bull market tera power leveling, commodities, gold, calligraphy and so on, many people a fortune overnight. Some people bought a house in Shanghai in 2002, 5,000 yuan per square meter, to 2010 has risen to $ 30,000, not a lever for mortgage tera power leveling, 8 years into a 6 times. These success stories that offer unlimited vision, people seem to have more bold, how big is the investmentProduction. Many retail expectations you can obtain profits from the stock market, even some worth billions more than the richest are also expected to continue 30% in return. Investors expect the continued return of more than 30%, if we can achieve very well, of course, does not occur, the so-called "seeking functions on", a 20% of return is required. But investment justified not. ExpectationsHigh returns unsuccessful results tend to be huge losses! Because of the expected rate of return and risk are balanced, yields the corresponding higher risk, these investments are often unsuccessful dying cruelly or reverting. , Angel investment, PE investments, and so on. Now we can easily obtain high yields? I believe that before 2007 high yields are common, but after the 2008 environmental change, Since the financial crisis, countries are taking an unprecedented accommodative monetary policy to cope with the century-a financial tsunami, so that the flood of money in the market, which led to the monetary confidence decline, currency alternative like gold's gains. Money was the least scarce resources in the world. Just imagine, all over the world are full of hand with cash, looking for investment opportunities around, in which case you canFound many of his continued high rate of return on investments projects? Since 2008 the world economy growth mode transition. United States is a long and painful process of deleveraging will face residents to spend less, slower economic growth. Europe's welfare is affected by a serious challenge, European debt crisis is still not solved. Japan for decades tera gold, such as day zeroStruggling near the growth. Enjoyment of economic globalization after joining WTO in China since 2002 dividends received sustained export growth of 10 per cent, this growth mode facing challenge. And, in relation to domestic, economic system reform system of bonuses, and unlimited demographic dividend is close to the end of the young labor can bring. China's economy and the world economyIs on the brink of growth mode transition. Investors target investment income must be reduced, and to change ways of thinking in the past and investment habits. Because the world would have had little long-term high yields. Buffett's long-term yields but 21%, already the world's most powerful gushen. High benefits in a stage before the reality is gone, we have entered aA low rate of return. China's blue chips had been neglected for so long, we have a number of blue-chip shares cheaper than h, most investors understand that these blue-chip investment value, understand that the potential fall of stocks is unlikely, but expected to be able get exorbitant profits, investors did not implement much substantive acts, causing blue chip long lowThe general revaluation. Current CSI 300 dynamic 11.5 times times forward earnings, if by 50% the dividend rate, dividend yield 4.4%, 15% expected growth rates in the next two years or so. AA-grade bonds now yield but 6%, in contrast, blue-chip low-risk, from which you can choose some of the growth is beyond the average individual, could well be above the average income,Implementation of "seeking next may in SLA". On seeking risks. After 30 years of continuous growth, China's economy is facing a transition from external demand and growth in fixed asset investment to consumption-oriented paradigm shift. At the same time, labor costs increase significantly, imported inflation pressure, domestic market early converted from a seller's to a buyer's market, the dividends of globalization, makingCase of depletion of dividends and increasing demographic dividend, small business survival and development environment is getting worse, selection of high quality small companies increasingly difficult. Therefore, while small firms may get excess profits, but the rising possibility of choosing the wrong, wrong growing losses. Investors expect high returns may actually leave the assets in dangerous territory. IBelieve that China can continue to carry out reform and opening up under the premise of achieving a smooth transition, however, this transition is permanent and progressive, during economic growth would decline. New winners also will continue to emerge, but the inability to adapt to changes of passive exit numbers of companies would increase significantly. In this case, the appropriate lower their expectations by investors, especially retail investors, optimizationModerate growth in the blue-chip companies, is likely to take less risks a good return. Others:

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