Sunday, April 8, 2012

tera gold most of the time. JONATHAN HOENIG - PBW

129773184422812500_72Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund micro-blogging news blog dynamic observation on the foreign exchange market currency US dollar currency, instant expert analysis on relevant industry topics scroll column bodyDisk on the HD solutions financial calendar financial products Exchange Center Exchange Tools school online Salon experience exchange finance foreign exchange regulations on investment hexun Wikipedia Forex Forum Forex blog Forex > body font size print RSS March 201214:44 from: global exchange network but want to selectively increase the stock of venture capital investors, there are now a number of new investment destinations, many of which are now known as "precursor". In these markets and Russia, China and Brazil many years ago similar to presenting many of the characteristics, including political instability, GovernmentImproper intervention field uncertainty and economic growth.  Despite these risks could leave many investors a wide berthat parties, but many of these regions presents a strong trend in the near future, so it's worth considering. Investors tend to ignore is an area of the Middle East (excluding Israel), in particular, Syria, and Egypt, and Libya and Bahrain and other countries after the unrest subsided in the Middle EastArea. However, Egypt stock market are at the highest level since July last year, Market Vectors Egypt Index ETF (Market Vectors Egypt Index ETF, EGPT) 2012 rose more than 45%, the rate of return than the United States stock market is much higher.Market Vectors Egypt Index ETF is the United States the only one focused on turmoil in Egypt market fund. Egypt's situation is not stable tera gold, but the troubled situation in Muslim countries have improved. January parliamentary elections, to be held prior to the civilian Government in June laid the Foundation for power. Expected to Egypt in MarchFrom IMF (International Monetary Fund, IMF for short) get the loan of us $ 3.2 billion tera gold, which helps to ease about Egypt currency depreciation of fear. Market Vectors Egypt Index ETF weights large holdings are small and medium sized financial stocks (38%) and telecommunications shares (19% per cent), exposure among 28 companies in the Middle East, which is not a company in the United States market. Viet Nam shares (in 2000 even when not present) 2008 fall 66%, 2009 rose 57%, but never fully recovered to the levels before the stock market crash. Although nearly two years ago, we highlighted the areasInvestment prospects, but the stock market is still unsatisfactory. However, there are indications in recent months Viet Nam prospects to improve. Last summer, Viet Nam inflation rate reached 23%, then fell back to 16%. Viet Nam main stock index up 20% this year, but only 11 times times forward earnings, compared with other Southeast Asian markets, not to mention the United States. Franklin Templeton (FraNklin/Templeton, BEN) mark? M?bius (Mark Mobius) is one of the famous investors asset allocation in the country. Viet Nam is a turbulent, dangerous investment markets, but China ten years ago is the same, then a State-owned Chinese banks loans cause a majority of investors money instead in the hands ofIn investment. Later, many of these banks have become the hottest investment period from 2000 to 2010 target. Market Vectors Viet Nam exchange traded funds (Market Vectors Vietnam ETF, VNM) is only a dedicated Viet Nam of the exchange-traded fund, nearly 44%Asset allocation in Viet Nam Bank (601,398, unit) (Vietin Bank) and JSC Bank in financial stocks, none of these stocks in the United States listed. Greece accepts bailout has been far more than a year, during which Greece there have been riots in the streets, and into financial collapse, Greece United States investors and seconded byReviewers in the eye has almost become an insulting term, often troubled European country this dereliction of duty of case regarded as the Government's fiscal policy. "Stop spending money, otherwise we will end up like Greece. "This sentence is repeated over and over again. It now appears that Greece sovereign credit default almost inevitable, Athens stock market in January, hitRecord low 630 points (the 2008 stock market has more than 5,000 points), Greece economy is a mess.  Who in Greece investment? But strong risk appetite of investors may find these risks can lead to potential return. You can use the Global x FTSE Greece 20 Exchange Traded Fund (Global x fTSE Greece 20 ETF, GREK) to invest in the troubled country, the 32.1% of the assets of the Fund into a troubled financial unit. 11.4% asset allocation in the Greece National Bank (National Bank of Greece), the unit now has similar low price stocks (pEnny stock), in the United States listed. Non-consumer goods stocks (19.2%) and consumer goods stocks (14.4%) in the weight of the Fund in the large.  The Fund's investments relatively homogeneous configurations, only hold 20 types of securities, closely tracks the Athens market. Despite the worrying messages continue, but this year the Fund been received fromTo date has gone up more than 20% tera power leveling, return more than twice times for standard and poor's 500 index.  Although these "predecessor markets" came under thorough questioning and there are risks, but they may end up pleasantly surprised all of us, just like Latin America and BRIC (BRIC) performance over the past decade, most of the time. JONATHAN HOENIG Others:

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