Friday, April 6, 2012

tera power leveling cleanup is primarily "under construction and unsold - VNU

129773822064375000_3Property rights of small or large scale clean up this year. Yesterday (March 26), Ministry of land and has published in its official online on the new thought of property right of small room: first clean up after treatment. Where "under construction and unsold, expropriate farmland property right of small rooms" is a major cleanup of the object, the purpose of which is to "put an end to property right of small room to continue to develop." And the governance of work later, mainlyFor sale stock of property right of small rooms.  But for specific control programmes, Ministry of land and have not come up with more ways. Small collective land property refers to the room occupied engaged in construction and sale of housing to members of the collective economic organizations, the current stock size. Despite the Ministry of land and has repeatedly stressed the illegality of the property rights of small rooms, but for a long time, has been in the industry recommended "To positive ". It is reported that in the massive cleanup at the same time, Ministry of land and this year will organize study on selecting pilot cities tera gold, on a pilot basis summary of improvement of relevant policies.  Is expected to form the initial regulatory documents of the property rights of small house. "Illegal survival" embarrassing situation over the years, the property rights of small room to "illegal" status. Despite a clear prohibition of abortionSale of the right to housing, but over the years, the property rights of small size of room is still growing. According to data of the National Federation of real estate Association, 1995, ~2010 year, national small room floor space of completed cumulative up to 760 million square metres of property rights, equivalent to the total completion of urban residential area 8% in the same period. But the land and admits, "there is no complete statistical national property rights of small roomThe data ". Despite this, civil organisations to houses with limited property rights which they belong are authorized.  Of industry and commerce, believes that houses with limited property rights become farmers to share important way of urbanization development results, and to a certain extent tera power leveling, address the housing needs of the lower income groups in the town. According to the daily economic news reporters investigation, located in the suburb of County and parts of houses with limited property rights, and its priceOnly half with lots of commercial housing prices even lower. In a land expert opinion, property rights of small housing difficulties, mainly on stock room. Because of its size on the one hand, individual property rights of small housing community and support have been formed, all difficult, on the other hand, if kept, will be the impact on the current land laws and regulations."Two step" highlights the property rights of small rooms, May 2010, Ministry of land and State land law enforcement and supervision Bureau Director Li Jianqin, found throughout the property rights of small housing problem, "case" approach. In February of this year, said Li Jianqin, pilot of property right of small rooms in select cities, on a pilot basis summary of sound policies.The "two sessions" during the land Minister XU shaoshi stressed that this year on the cleanup of the property rights of small house would be: investigation and at the same time clean pilot, and at the same time law enforcement strict precautions, do not let the property rights of small rooms spread. "Handling of the property rights of small rooms, will no longer adopt a" one size fits all "means, and started a planned and measured way. "These experts to the dailyJI news reporters that recent "after clean governance" is the embodiment of that intention. According to the Ministry of land and site information, cleanup is primarily "under construction and unsold, expropriate farmland property right of small rooms", with the aim of "put an end to property right of small room to continue to develop."  Subsequent work, mainly for sold stock of property right of small rooms. It is learned that the pilot smallProperty room will be a priority of the Ministry of land and this year. The daily news reporter learned from the Ministry of land tera power leveling, for pilot selection and pilot programmes for the development of the city, in the Ministry of land and is still advancing. Others:

1 comment:

  1. Cool post - DIII can be pretty entertaining, up until a certain point :)
    -Jackie @ Construction site cleanup
