Thursday, April 12, 2012

tera power leveling young women and children's travel needs - ZAC

129779253830000000_5Cheng Shidong Liu mingjun "livable city" concept first proposed at the 1996 second United Nations Habitat Conference, refers to the coordinated development of social, economic and cultural environment, Habitat environment, able to satisfy the material and spiritual needs of residents, for human work, living and city living. "Livable transportation" means and "livable city" match the requirements, for publicProvides convenient and comfortable, pleasant service, diversity, urban traffic.  Realize harmonious traffic and urban development, but also "livable city" construction important content. Various means of transportation, do their responsibilities, effective cooperation of travel is part of the routine work, essential to the life of urban residents, to achieve "livable" requirements tera power leveling, core is to protect the peopleConvenient, comfortable and efficient, have good vision, good mood, that is smooth and pleasant landscape. First of all, smooth mastery and can protect the lives of convenience and time saving, and road trips of the beautiful landscape of the spirit to enjoy. Secondly, the traffic is not an end in itself, reduce travel times, shortening the distance to travel but also improve the livesQuality and "livable" level of content. In addition, "livable transportation" as a "livable city" components, should minimize outside traffic, affecting "livable" negative impacts of development, that is, try to reduce air pollution and noise pollution, traffic. Therefore, the "livable traffic" is to establish a scientific and rational system of urban traffic, so that residents need to smooth travel, landscape amenities, And produce less pollution. "Livable transportation" for various cities, communities in the construction of the characteristic, development of appropriate transport mode, various means of transportation within the city, community member in his place, accountability, effective cooperation, "livable" should be. Under the dual constraint of resources and environment in China, Yi building "public transport walking/biking" urban traffic mode。 As reflected in the following four aspects: one is convenient and efficient public transport services. Urban population density, traffic resources limited, under these conditions, only relying on public transport such intensive mode of transport, only makes it possible to travel on the residents of the city as a whole, overall more quickly, at the same time less pollution emissions. Therefore, we must strive to develop and effective integrationCity subway, public electric car, suburban rail and other public transport, formation covering the whole city's quick and efficient, comfortable and safe, convenient and reliable public transport service system. Second is diverse and flexible way to travel. Make full use of limited road resources, based on traveler demand different, versatile and flexible means of transportation available, public transport and private transport tera gold, Fast and slow traffic, traffic of motorized transport and non-motorized transport travel mode choice of coordinated and complementary to each other. Three easy, pleasant walk, bicycle travel is space environment. Walking and biking trips, can travel short distances, or with bus "connection", is a real low-carbon green travel, while exercising, should strongly encourageAnd advocacy. Should be reasonably divided road resources, guarantee the continuity of the sidewalks, bicycle lanes, pedestrian, bicycle access to basic rights and ensure security.  At the same time, improve the road landscape design, improving comfort and pleasant, built landscape leisure trails. Four is a user-friendly, precise design of transport infrastructure. Sufficient attention to detail design of urban traffic, implementation of people-orientedTransportation and urban design integration to ensure that vulnerable groups such as disabled persons, young women and children's travel needs, strengthening of public transit transfer seamlessly to achieve closer convergence of transit sites and buildings. The Government "livable transportation" in the process of promoting the construction of the dominant position of "livable transportation" need "Government-led, social cooperation and public participation", only the Government, social, And the concerted efforts of the public, to successful completion. First of all, "livable transportation" in the process of promoting the dominant position. Central Government should step up publicity and public understanding and acceptance of the community at the same time, should be developed to promote policies and measures, amend and improve the relevant standards, laws and regulations; in addition, also should be established to fund incentivesCity.  Local governments should address local characteristics, superior standards and develop practical measures for the implementation of legal provisions tera power leveling, in the cities and communities in the planning, design, construction, and management of, consciously practice-related concepts. Secondly, the community should actively cooperate with the "livable transportation" construction, implementation and interaction of combined Government-led, through social capital to leadEffective transfer of the domain to improve building efficiency and transparency.  At the same time, society should create a good atmosphere of publicity and public, community "livable traffic" concerns to ensure that construction work related to the letter. Once again, the public is "livable transportation" most directly and the construction of the largest beneficiaries, to full participation in the planning, design, construction, and management.The public should give full play to the initiative, suggestions, fully formed with Government and community feedback mechanisms to each other, related measures of feasibility, operational recommendations, the provision of supported. (Author: urban transport research center, Institute of comprehensive transportation of national development and Reform Commission) Others:

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