Friday, April 6, 2012

tera power leveling requesting court Wang Shu immediate cessation of violations of their right - DD

129771622150312500_26"If I accept this kind of gratuitous insults, how distribution as paragons of the teachers in the future. "Dong Xiaoming voice trembling because of anger.  Three days ago, the 14th middle school teaching and administrative staff meeting in Kunming tera power leveling, over his and President, Dong Xiaoming President of paper pleadings will sue the Court requires gold Yuan Wang Shu soothe mental damage compensation money. On March 19Afternoon, as usual tera gold, headmaster Wang Shu presided over the teaching and administrative staff meeting, meetings had been to 18:27 still not over. Dong Xiaoming said, according to school regulations, meetings cannot exceed 18:10. Due to the 7 o'clock in the evening and late tera power leveling, so many teachers couldn't go back for dinner, he whispers and around the teachers complain a bit. "He hears, in front of school teacherI don't speak. I said that he would respect staff, not to waste everyone's time in the above. He loudly and I argue, insult I was mad. "" He speaks, I sat on the rostrum were heard. "Wang Shu said, he does the time delay on the day, because you want it set up is a bit much. "I remind him that during the meeting not to talk,What are the terms. He stood up and said in a loud voice directly, I don't speak there. He also said a lot of bad words, also questioned the how do I get the headmaster position. I really let him not qibuguo like a mad dog bites. "It is understood that day had attempted to Tung, Secretary of the school teachers persuaded from the venue, but Tung teacher turned and said to be sued Wang Shu,Faculty Assembly interrupted.  Subsequently, the 14 school leadership has tried to have teacher Tung Shu Wang and communication, ended in failure. Dong Xiaoming have submitted petitions to the courts, requesting court Wang Shu immediate cessation of violations of their right, the whole school Assembly and a public apology in the newspaper, and compensation for mental damages a penny. Shu Wang offered by legal means, day 160 teachers are witnesses. The Court will give its response after a week. Others:

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