Sunday, April 15, 2012

tera gold marketing is often not a problem. In view of this - WGX

129773928565468750_224Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund micro-blogging news blog news study on trust trust trust company news right to view trust thematic equity trust securities trust loan trustBenefit trust hexun gather mix use mix investment trust > body font size print RSS March 27, 2012 from: securities journal author: Chaoyang financial stake in investment trusts "Shine eye "Chaoyang trust market in early spring while the more quiet, but in the past has always been low-key financial equity investment trust scheme have special sensitivities. As its name implies, financial equity trust is often linked to financial equity trust scheme, in which most of the linked object for city commercial banks or the Bank's equity. Shareholders of the BankFor financing needs of the shareholding pledge to trust companies tera power leveling, repayment of principal and income and commitment expires.    According to Puyi's wealth to provide data tera gold, as of March 11 of this year, more than 20 financial equity products have come out, and trust all financial equity products issued in recent years a total of only 105. Recently these products have by trust company ofFavor, without outside are several reasons: one is the tightening of the trust company of the real estate business and other traditional business product release generally into the vacuum. Recently, even a leading trust domestic products be out of stock messages are outgoing, trust companies generally face a predicament without Cook. Second, tightening of funds on trust financing makes financing needs rise tera gold, but theCareful consideration of the holding company for the other cash flows, and will not be free to receive. However, if the city commercial banks or Bank equity "reveal all the details" you fly a lot.    Third, banks generally are considered to be synonymous with low risk and high returns, hook Bank equity easy to obtain client approval, marketing is often not a problem. In view of this, financial equity trust to trust andIts customers are looking very precious.    However, there is no free lunch, investment trust that class, we also note that at least the following issues. Investment bankers equity investment bank equity trust is not equivalent to. Regulators recently announced IPO of 14 included in the list of pending city commercial banks and Bank, city commercial banks and bank earnings in recent yearsGenerally good, the banks ' shareholders generally will have "Xiang Bobo" easily transferred, but at the end of the trust term through add-on repo repo.    Investment income of investors continues to be agreed, and the yields of these products does not prevail in all trust products. In addition, financial equity trust though often classified as financial enterprisesSuch trust schemes, but their specific financial flows to outsiders difficult to ascertain the details. After financing mortgage bank stakes to a trust company, its capital flows, because of own supervision of home trust company will also vary, which will require investors or potential funding flows to similar high risk industries such as real estate alert. Finance qualificationsHas to have a certain amount of understanding. At the same time, investors should pay attention to mortgage banking qualification. On the marketization of interest rates has not been subject to, city commercial banks, as well as the Bank's profitability and earnings generally conspicuous, but its real easy to trust in the management level profit of a few simple indicators covered in the plan. If the risk of small probability events, valuations lowered, Trust security products will be affected. Equity Bank and cannot be fully treated as trust products "safety cushion", investor financial equity trust to "shine eye", keep the objective understanding of finance and banking qualifications, is the key to purchase products. Others:

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