Wednesday, April 11, 2012

tera gold "I know that armed robbery is a serious crime - UUM

129773438968437500_1093Winter one night last year, less than two hours, Jinshan district, there were two armed robberies, even more surprising is that robber is an active alarm to the police's "victims". In recent days, Jinshan District Court hearing the case to robbery sentenced accused Wu of a one year eight months ' imprisonment, and fined 2000 Yuan. One night there were two RobRobbery in Jinshan Pavilion on the town, Zhu opened a cosmetic store, specializes in brand name tobacco and alcohol/liquor business, opening stores in six years, many open till 12 at night, nothing. On December 16 last year, Zhu and as always in the shop when you surf on the second floor, heard the waitress shout downstairs. He looked toward the monitor, sceneHe jumps: a gangster head, wearing a hat, face mask masks, wearing black gloves, are single hand gun pointed at their service. Zhu tera power leveling, seeing this tera gold, shoes too late to wear, they ran downstairs. See Mr Zhu came down from upstairs, wrong point the gun at him. At this critical moment, Mr Zhu, inspire, the robber shouted: "monitoring with 110 network here, don't you dareHere getting 1102 came ten minutes later. "The robbers really sees the shop behind the monitor, then immediately fled. Zhihou, Zhu called 110 alarm. The local police station after police immediately sent a patrol police organization bukong, looking for suspects. Case after more than an hour, a 20-something man came to the local police station, said heJust met with armed robbery. He told police, they just go on the road, and suddenly being against the gun back, bandits then robbed him of cash, cell phone and other belongings. In the event, the victims of the attacks described in detail physical features and clothing. "Victims" were found stolen property, police discovered through comparative analysis, two cases occur when and whereVery close, according to the description of the two victims, gangster physical feature is also very consistent, suspects should thus initially concluded that the two cases are the same person. During a subsequent investigation, experienced in handling cases where police found some curious: victims of crime suspect's description is very detailed, more where is his accent, possibly where it is from, and what to wear beautyColor clothes and even clothing on which there are no hats are described clearly. Think of nervousness when he questioned who the victim cannot help but aroused great suspicion of the police. Eventually through technological means, the police investigation into this "victim" being snatched away by mobile phones and other belongings, still in his possession. In the face of irrefutable evidence, "victim" finally guilty plea law,Recognize yourself is the name "armed robber". Robbers named Wu, Department of Shanghai workers, because of long-term unemployment and economic hardship, in the night of the crime after eating supper, was only dozens of dollars he went on the road, see the smoke they frequented the hotel only a little sister custody, so the evil impulse, returned to their rented accommodation in a plastic gun, hat, mask and gloves, Is going to the shop to steal some valuables. Don't ever think, he was stubborn resistance by the shop. After the attempted crime, Wu felt regret fear, surrendered look before and after the decision to go to the police station. But after the police station, they are more afraid of, "I know that armed robbery is a serious crime, if convicted of a dozen years, that I would have spent a lifetime", so smart he will reportA false case. Is even more ironic is that he made when memories and appearance characteristics of criminals tera power leveling, according to what you describe. "Generation" prisoner can hardly cover up Jinshan regret after the Court believed that Wu to the defendant for the purpose of illegal possession, the use of coercive means to take citizens ' property and robbery, his behavior constituted the crime of robbery. Defendant has embarked on a crime, other than the willReason failed to succeed, attempted crime may, in comparison with one who completes a lighter or mitigated punishment, accused Wu after attendance ' of a truthful statement of his offence, be mitigated punishment. Eventually, Jinshan Court made a decision: Wu a the defendant is guilty of robbery, sentenced to one year and eight months ' imprisonment, and a fine of $ 2000. In the trial, Wu can hardly cover up said with regret: "as a 9After 0, my mistake they feel regret, want their peers to learn my lessons, do not make the same mistake. "Evening news reporter Kong Lingjie Kong Yan Guo Yu correspondents reported (Editor: Song Yuxin) Others:

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